Sells mostly:
15% Furniture: Home - by owner
About Rydans Treasures:
Camp Kesem Fundraiser (free nationwide summer camp for children whose parents have/have had cancer). Pick up is in Lemont, IL. (no, I don't meet anyone 1/2 way) - some items can be shipped or held with a pre-payment. Sales are on a first come - first served basis and are listed on several sights. Once you've confirmed an appointment & been given our address -or pre-paid with Zelle - the item is held.
My 2 children attended this AWESOME camp and it's our way of paying back/forward :)
Want to see all of our items? Just type the word KESEM in the find stuff box since we list different items on Chicago & Bolingbrook bookoo.
If you know of anyone whose family would benefit by attending the camp - Please refer them to for locations & registration.